Who Can Own a Full-Auto Machine Gun?

A full-auto machine gun is a weapon that can fire multiple rounds in rapid succession with a single pull of the trigger. These weapons are typically used by military and law enforcement organizations, but some models are available for civilian purchase and ownership. Full-auto machine guns typically have a high rate of fire (ROF) and can quickly empty their magazines if not used carefully.

Who can own a full-auto machine gun in the United States and why are they restricted to such a small population?

In the United States, full-auto machine guns are highly regulated and only a small percentage of the population is able to own them. The National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA) placed strict regulations on the sale and ownership of these weapons and they have been further regulated by subsequent laws. Only individuals with a valid reason for owning a full-auto machine gun (such as for use in movie production or competitive shooting) and who can pass a thorough background check are able to obtain one.

What are some of the challenges associated with owning a full-auto machine gun?

Owning a full-auto machine gun comes with a number of challenges, chief among them is the cost. These weapons are expensive, both to purchase and to maintain. In addition, full-auto machine guns are heavily regulated and their owners must comply with all applicable laws. Finally, because of their high rate of fire, full-auto machine guns can be very dangerous in the hands of inexperienced shooters.

How do you go about obtaining a full-auto machine gun and what is the process like?

If you are interested in obtaining a full-auto machine gun, you must first find a licensed dealer who is willing to sell you one. Once you have found a dealer, you will need to fill out a series of forms and undergo a background check. If you are approved for purchase, you will then need to pay for the weapon and complete any required paperwork. The entire process can take several months.

What are some of the pros and cons of owning a full-auto machine gun versus other types of firearms?

There are both pros and cons to owning a full-auto machine gun. On the plus side, these weapons are very powerful and can provide a high level of firepower. They are also fun to shoot and can be used for a variety of purposes (including self-defense). On the downside, full-auto machine guns are expensive, heavily regulated, and can be dangerous in the hands of inexperienced shooters. Overall, full-auto machine guns are a great option for those who can afford them and who have a legitimate need for their capabilities.

Are there any restrictions on where you can use a full-auto machine gun or is it unrestricted like other firearms?

There are several restrictions on where you can use a full-auto machine gun. These weapons cannot be used for hunting or sport shooting, and they can only be fired on private property with the owner’s permission. In addition, full-auto machine guns must be kept in a secure location when not in use and their owners must comply with all applicable laws.

What are some of the most popular full-auto machine guns?

Some of the most popular full-auto machine guns include the M16, the M4 Carbine, and the AK-47. These weapons are widely used by military and law enforcement organizations around the world and are also available for civilian purchase (although they are heavily regulated).

How much does a full-auto machine gun cost and where can you find them for sale?

Full-auto machine guns can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000 or more. These weapons are not typically found for sale at your local gun store – instead, they must be purchased from a licensed dealer or through a private sale.

What are some of the common misconceptions about full-auto machine guns?

There are several misconceptions about full-auto machine guns. Some people believe that these weapons are illegal, when in fact they are heavily regulated but still legal to own in the United States. Others believe that full-auto machine guns are inherently dangerous, when in reality they can be safely used if proper precautions are taken. Finally, some people think that only military and law enforcement personnel can own these weapons, when in fact any civilian can purchase one (with the proper permits).


Full-auto machine guns are legal to own in the United States, but they are heavily regulated and their purchase comes with a number of challenges. These weapons are expensive, and their owners must comply with all applicable laws. In addition, full-auto machine guns can be dangerous in the hands of inexperienced shooters. Overall, full-auto machine guns are a great option for those who can afford them and who have a legitimate need for their capabilities.